Wednesday, February 25, 2009


We have three chickens, but Eva is my favorite. She's extremely curious, and always has her face in everything I'm doing when I'm out there. I call her "fuzzy face" because she has these tufts of feathers on her cheeks, like a goofy little mustache. She's an Ameraucauna, and lays beautiful, large green eggs.

Here's one of her masterpieces:

That's Eva in the background

Ginger and Penny don't do too bad, either.


Suzanne's Blog said...

Love the photos and the lovely comments about your
"babies". Whats strange is that we ended up using eggs in a nest for our book cover, and it would have been great to use that photo of the eggs and the basket. Things seemed to have come full circleTake care, Suzanne

Nancy said...

Yeah, I seem to be attracted to birds, eggs, nests. I'm considering making a life-sized felt pelican. Next thing you know I'll be a birder.