My sister-in law (Hi Suzi!) tagged me on facebook and asked me to write 25 random things about myself. Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to send it to 25 people. Since blogging is more my thing than facebook, I thought I'd just share my things here. I guess I got carried away, because by the time I stopped I had 63 "things."
I really enjoyed reading Suzi's 25 Random things about herself. If you are reading this blog, I would LOVE to hear 25 random things about you! Or 61! or 100! or 5!
Here are some random things about me:
I am creative and constantly see inspiration everywhere.
I'm always making something.
I can't keep up with my ideas, and sometimes feel overwhelmed by them.
I don't care for fiction reading.
I buy too many books on technology and art.
I never feel educated enough or smart enough, and therefore am a perpetual student.
I've been laid off 4 times, have never been fired, and have only quit one job.
My favorite food is milk. Whole milk, cream, and half & half. But I only drink non-fat milk. I do feel deprived.
I can no longer cut apart a whole chicken, but I can eat it.
I rarely eat packaged, processed foods with long lists of ingredients.
I secretly wish to be a baker in an artisan bakery. Or a cheese maker.
I love animals.
I love to shop at Thrift Stores.
I never get bored, and never have enough time in the day.
I prefer to buy local.
I love the town that I live in. I love my street. I have great neighbors.
I have a motorcycle license, but am too afraid to ride where there is traffic.
I'm certified for scuba, and have dove to 110'.
I wish I could sketch better. I wish I would sketch more so I could get better.
I am happily married, and lucky to be in this partnership.
I am not very verbally articulate, but I can write, and can spell.
I am very proud that we were able to allow Amelia to go to school in the same school district her whole life.
I attended 7 different elementary and High Schools.
My parents divorced and re-married and divorced again.
I worry about the health and well-being of my sister.
My brother and my Dad share the same Birthday.
I genuinely appreciate having a hot shower every day, clean drinking water, warm shelter and food.
I have danced hula regularly for 15 1/2 years.
I have recently begun doing Zumba and Hoopdance.
Even though I'm messy and disorganized, I luxuriate in a clean, tidy house. It makes me feel relaxed and calm.
I love everything about my chickens and hanging out with them makes me happy.
I love mid-century design.
I am about to launch my own Etsy shop with my felted things.
The thing I am most proud of is my daughter.
The thing I worry about most is auto accidents, ever since having that job at the newspaper where I had to map fatals.
I assume I will live only as long as my mom, which gives me 18 more years.
I am worried about finding full-time employment.
I started feeling old at 49.
I honor the Aloha Spirit, and admire the way the Hawaiian community respects and cares for their elders.
I appreciate time alone, and am grateful to have a lot of it.
My favorite films are documentaries.
On TV I like "Survivor," and "The View"
I was a producer and engineer for a live radio show for 3 1/2 years.
I love animals.
I play with wool. A lot.
I want to go whale-watching some day.
If money were no object, I would travel. I want to go everywhere.
My two favorite spots on Earth are Gualala and Upcountry Maui.
I wish I could sing; especially harmony.
I regret not listening to my parents and grandparents more when they told stories of family history.
I have taken flute, piano, organ, violin, `ukulele and saxophone lessons. `Ukulele is the only one that has stuck.
I have never played a guitar.
I am overly cautious of potentially dangerous situations.
I could never be a teacher or a manager.
I am not a leader.
I love teamwork.
I drive too slow.
I have been to the top of the South tower of the Golden Gate Bridge.
I want to learn to speak French.
Seeing hot lava flow from the earth was one of the most mesmerizing and awe-inspiring things I have ever witnessed.
I want to learn other forms of dance; particularly Latin.
I love Cuban Jazz and Hawaiian Falsetto.
I am a wanna-be surfer.